ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting
Get the most up-to-date information or get involved in conversations with your peers by joining an eList such as:
- ctcLinkSME-rpt (ctcLink eList to discuss new reporting tools and functionality)
This page, or its linked-to content, may only be available to college system staff.
The following resources, trainings, and materials are available for colleges using PeopleSoft.
First Step
Read the ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting FAQ
ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting Documentation
State Enrollment Reporting and Data Quality Training
- State Enrollment Reporting and Data Quality Training on Canvas
- State Enrollment Reporting and Data Quality Training Guide
ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Developer Forms
ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Supporting Documentation
Document | Last Revision |
Affirmative Action Report Instructions | 07/23/2020 |
Commonly Used Tables - Campus Solutions (CS) | 08/26/2024 |
Commonly Used Tables - Finance (FIN) | 08/19/2020 |
Commonly Used Tables - Human Capital Management (HCM) | 08/19/2020 |
College Query Developers & Reporting Leads by College | 02/11/2025 |
College Roles Related to Reporting in ctcLink | 06/29/2021 |
Data Dump Query Protocol | 05/06/2020 |
Go-Live Reporting Resources | 02/25/2021 |
Most Used and Favorite Queries | 01/14/2025 |
Query Development LifeCycle (QDLC) | 07/18/2024 |
Query Folder List by Pillar | 05/31/2024 |
Query Module List by Pillar | 09/15/2022 |
Query Prompt Tables to Use by Pillar | 08/12/2024 |
Query Secure Tables to Use by Pillar | 01/27/2025 |
Query Security Tree Models with Role Definitions | 07/11/2024 |
Recommended Methods for Searching Queries and Reports | 01/13/2017 |
Replacement Queries | 02/10/2025 |
Report Catalog | 01/14/2025 |
Running Large Queries | 04/28/2021 |
Structure for Query Manager Access | 08/23/2023 |
ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting Online Courses
Course Enrollment
Two categories of reporting-related training are available: End-User Reporting and Designated Query Developer Training.
To enroll in ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting Canvas courses navigate to the ctcLink Training Registration page and follow the steps for registration.
End-User Reporting
End-User Reporting courses are open to all ctcLink users.
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Pivot Grid Viewer
- metaLink
- Understanding Query Security
- ctcLink Peoplesoft Insights Dashboard
Designated Query Developer Training
Designated Query Developer Training courses are open to Query Developers who have been designated by their institution.
To enroll in Designated Query Developer Training courses email dataservices@sbctc.edu requesting to be enrolled in Basic Developer courses.
Basic Developer courses
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Development Life Cycle (QDLC)
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query 101 Basics
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Fundamentals Lab
- Join us every Thursday at 11AM to learn the fundamentals of query development and ask any questions you might have. Join via Webex at the time of the meeting or email dataservices@sbctc.edu to request a calendar invite.
Once you have obtained Query Manager access in PCD you can email dataservices@sbctc.edu and request to be enrolled in Advanced Developer courses.
Advanced Developer Courses
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query 102 Query Security
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query 201 Intermediate
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query 301 Advanced
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query 401 Expert
Pivot Grid Developer Course
- ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Pivot Grid Wizard
ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting Tools
- metaLink - Data Dictionary, Query, Report and View search tool
- Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) and Materials
ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting Hour Meetings
Join the ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting Team for our "Reporting Hour" meetings to meet and discuss advanced topics with the team. Check the SBCTC Calendar for information on upcoming Reporting Hour sessions.
Past meeting recordings, presentations, and materials can be accessed in the Reporting Hour Canvas Page. The Canvas Page link is accessible to anyone, anytime.
Past Reporting Hour meeting topics:
- Reporting Life Cycle of a Student
- Query Development Lessons Learned 2022
Ivy Brent
Associate Director of ctcLink BI
Adam Fauth
Reporting & BI Solutions Analyst for ctcLink
Emily Mullins
Reporting & BI Solutions Analyst for ctcLink
Lucy Rojas C
Reporting & BI Solutions Analyst for ctcLink
Paula McDaniel
Data Analytics Learning &Education Instructor