ctcLink Accounting Manual | 30.60 Capital Project Coding
30.60 Capital Project Coding
30.60.10 State Capital Funds
The Appropriation Index for all projects in these funds is assigned by OFM and allocated by the State Board Capital Budget team.
060 | Community/Technical College Capital Projects Fund | Building Fee collections from the community and technical colleges to be used for the construction, completion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation and improvement of building and facilities at community and technical colleges. This fund has also been used to provide funding to colleges for certain state capital project COP payments. |
057 | State Building Construction Fund | Bond proceeds, miscellaneous revenue to pay for capital projects authorized by bonding authorities |
23N | Model Toxics Capital Projects Fund | Funded by Hazardous substance tax, certain recovered costs of remedial actions, penalties, appropriations and transfers. |
26C | Climate Commitment Capital Projects Fund | Distributions from the Climate Investment Accounts (26B), which is funded from proceeds from auctions of greenhouse gas allowances, penalties and receipts from the distribution of emission allowances. |
26V | Community Assistance Capital Projects Fund | Funded by Appropriations and transfers. |
253 | Education Construction Fund | Lottery revenue, miscellaneous revenue and interest earnings. From time to time, colleges receive funding for capital projects from this fund. |
357 | Gardner-Evans Higher Education Construction Fund | Bond proceeds to be used for capital improvements for the institutions of higher education. From time to time, colleges receive funding for capital projects from this fund. |
All state funded capital project appropriation indexes are assigned by OFM and allocated by the State Board Capital Budget team. The ctcLink State Board staff will set up any new appropriation indexes.
State Board project numbers are assigned by the State Board Capital Budget team.
Figure 1: State Capital Project Type
When setting up a capital project in ctcLink you must select CP_ST as the Project Type.
Figure 2: SBCTC State Capital Project Number
You must enter the SBCTC Project number in Field 5 of the User Fields tab in ctcLink.
30.60.20 Local Capital Projects
147 |
Institutions of Higher Education - Plant Fund | Contributions and grants, investment income, miscellaneous revenue to be used for the construction, completion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation and improvement of building and facilities at community and technical colleges. All capital projects funded by local resources from governmental funds should be recorded here. |
145 |
Grants & Contracts | Contributions, grants and contracts from external sources (sometime referred to as sponsored projects). |
522 | Associated Student Government | The Services and Activities portion of tuition or any additional student-voted fees. |
524 | Bookstore | Sales in the college bookstore. |
528 | Parking | Proceeds from parking charges, etc. |
569 | Food Services | Food and catering services, etc. |
570 | Other Auxiliary Services | Proceeds from sales and services of other auxiliary services. |
573 | Student Housing and Food Services | Proceeds from student housing rental and food sales. |
All locally funded capital project appropriation indexes are assigned by OFM and allocated by the State Board Capital Budget team. The ctcLink State Board staff will set up any new appropriation indexes in ctcLink.
State Board project numbers are assigned by the State Board Capital Budget team.
Figure 3: SBCTC Local Capital Project Number
When setting up a capital project in ctcLink you must select CP_LC as the Project Type.
Figure 4: SBCTC Project Number
You must enter the SBCTC Project number in Field 5 of the User Fields tab in ctcLink.
This allows capital project expenditures to be accurately tracked for use in CapTrack (see below) for monitoring by the Capital Budget team. All SBCTC Project numbers are assigned by the State Board Capital Budget team.
147 | Institutions of Higher Education - Plant Fund | R10 | Contributions and grants, investment income, miscellaneous revenue to be used for the construction, completion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation and improvement of building and facilities at community and technical colleges. All capital projects funded by governmental funds from local or grant resources should be recorded in this fund. |
145 | Grants & Contracts | R15 | Contributions, grants and contracts from external sources (sometime referred to as sponsored projects). |
522 | Associated Student Government | R12 | The Services and Activities portion of tuition or any additional student-voted fees |
524 | Bookstore | R14 | Sales in the college bookstore. |
528 | Parking | R18 | Proceeds from parking charges, etc. |
569 | Food Services | R19 | Food and catering services, etc. |
570 | Other Auxiliary Services | R17 | Proceeds from sales and services of other auxiliary services. |
573 | Student Housing and Food Services | R13 | Proceeds from student housing rental and food sales. |
30.50 State Funded Capital Budget Development Process << 30.60 >> 30.70 Capital Budget Monitoring