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Purchasing Affairs Council (PAC) Bylaws

Article I – Authority

The Purchasing Affairs Council, also known as PAC, exists under authority of the Business Affairs Commission (BAC) of the Washington Association of Community Colleges (WAC). Accordingly, the Purchasing Affairs Council shall operate in compliance with powers granted by the Business Affairs Commission and contained in the bylaws.

Article II – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Purchasing Affairs Council, for which the acronym shall be PAC.

Article III – Purpose

  1. Act on matters referred from BAC.
  2. Provide opportunities for members and associates to meet for the purpose of exchanging information and ideas.
  3. Work with agencies, such as the State Board for Community College Education and Technical Colleges and the State Purchasing Division, on subjects considered mutual, and to act as a resource organization for such agencies.
  4. Provide interagency training opportunities in all phases of community and technical college purchasing and other common interests.
  5. Create subcommittees to accomplish specific tasks or goals consistent with PAC's purpose.
  6. Other matters and activities consistent with these bylaws.

Article IV – Membership and Representatives

  1. One voting representative designated by BAC to serve as liaison between BAC and PAC.
  2. Other non-voting representatives designated by districts, colleges, state agencies, community and technical college committees and organizations whose functions relate to business of the PAC. Community and technical college representatives may vote in the absence of their respective voting member when authorized by the voting members. 

Article V – Officers

  1. Chairperson
    Responsible for the orderly conduct of PAC meetings, arrange for guest speakers, appointment of ad hoc committees as required, and representative for PAC by written correspondence and attendance at other meetings as may be appropriate.
  2. Vice  Chairperson
    Assume responsibility of chairperson in his/her absence, provide members with current status of legislation affecting purchasing.
  3. Secretary-Treasurer
    Responsible for recording and publishing the minutes of each PAC meeting, maintaining records of each meeting, including correspondence and handouts, and a current roster. Shall be responsible for the collection, disbursement and reporting of all funds related to PAC functions.

Article VI – Executive Board 

  1. Shall consist of elected officers.
  2. Shall establish meeting agenda.
  3. Responsible for coordination of meeting dates and locations with other statewide meetings.
  4. Determine registration fees. 

Article VII – Elections 

  1. The officers shall be elected from the voting membership for a term of two years.
  2. Elections shall be held at the fall meeting of each even-numbered year or at interim dates to fill vacancies.
  3. Officers will assume duties upon election.
  4. The vice chairperson shall become chairperson of the PAC upon the close of the fall meeting of which elections are held and serve as chairperson for a two-year term. If the vice-chairperson is not available to accept the chairperson position, elections will be held for this position at the same meeting to elect other officers.
  5. The vice chairperson and secretary-treasurer shall be elected for a term of two years by a simple majority vote of the members.
  6. Officers shall be nominated from the floor in the presence of the nominee or with his/her permission.
  7. Special elections may be held at any meeting to fill elected office vacancies of vice-chairperson and secretary-treasurer.

Article VIII – Meetings

The PAC may hold statewide meetings on a semi-annual basis or as necessary to accomplish its business. When possible, meetings shall be held on college or district sites which will provide adequate meeting facilities centrally located or which offers a balance of travel time and expense to its members.

Article IX – Procedures

  1. All questions and decisions shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the members present.
  2. The PAC shall establish such permanent or ad hoc committees which are required to carry on its work. Committees shall be established by the chairperson from the membership of the PAC.
  3. In the absence of any bylaw or written policy directing otherwise, Robert's Rules of Order shall be used to regulate the activities of this committee.
  4. The Agenda for each meeting shall be distributed by the secretary-treasurer at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting date.
  5. The secretary-treasurer may collect registration fees as required. Fees for specific meetings will be determined by the Executive Board.

Article X –Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at any official meeting of the PAC in accordance with Article IX above.

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Last Modified: 7/31/24, 3:43 PM

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