Course Acceptance and Reciprocity Agreements
Transferring Between Community and Technical Colleges
Several policies are in place to make the transfer process easy for students to transfer between community and technical colleges.
Technical College General Education Course Acceptance
The Instruction Commission and the Washington State Student Services Commission expect that all colleges in the Washington state community and technical college system accept transferable technical college general education courses as equivalent to their own similar general education courses in content and purpose, in transcript credit value, and as applied to degree requirements.
Intercollege Reciprocity Policy Transfer Distribution Courses and Areas
The intercollege reciprocity policy ensures that students moving between colleges are not penalized by differences in another college's general education requirements within the general guidelines of the Direct Transfer Agreement and Associate in Science-Transfer.
Placement Reciprocity Policy and Procedure
The Placement Reciprocity Policy and Procedure was approved by Student Services Commission and Instruction Commission in spring 2013.
Common Course Numbering
Common Course Numbering standardizes certain course names so students can easily transfer credits earned at one community or technical college to another.
Prior Learning Assessment
The Guidelines for Prior Learning Assessment allow colleges to award credit for student learning done outside of the academic system.
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Last Modified: 10/14/24, 10:53 AM