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PeopleSoft Long-term Support and Product Updates

February 28, 2020 by ctcLink Communications

You may have heard that Oracle will end PeopleSoft support in 2030 or that PeopleSoft products will no longer be updated.

What’s the real story?

Recent clarification about the Oracle Lifetime Support Policy shows Oracle has no plans to end its investment or support for customers in existing PeopleSoft applications. For ctcLink, this includes the PeopleSoft 9.2 Human Capital Management (HCM), Finance (FIN) and Campus Solutions (CS) applications.

What Does Rolling 10-Plus Years of Premier Support Mean?

Oracle reviews and updates its policy annually, moving the currently stated Premier Support “through at least” date ahead by one year.

These annual, one-year incremental extensions are planned to continue until further notice, creating a rolling window of plus-10 years of Premier Support for the PeopleSoft continuous innovation releases.

What does this mean for ctcLink?

This means that as of 2020, the Premier Support “through at least” date is 2030

  • In 2021, the “through at least” date will be 2031.
  • In 2030, the “through at least” date will be 2040.
  • In 2040, the “through at least” date will be 2050.

And so on, as illustrated in the example table below.

Year Premier Support “Through at Least” Date
















20xx +10 years

Time for planning

The Oracle Lifetime Support Policy provides long-term predictability for ctcLink to maximize its PeopleSoft investment and allows ample time for future planning for any changes, such as moving to the Oracle cloud.

Yes, There Will be Updates

There has been some misunderstanding of product “upgrades” vs. “updates,” leading some to believe Oracle will no longer provide PeopleSoft product upgrades and that it’s an “end-of-life” product.

Upgrades vs. Updates

With the release of PeopleSoft 9.2, major “Upgrades” are no longer required for customers to access new features and capabilities.

Instead, with Oracle’s “Continuous Innovation Releases” model, all new functionality will be delivered as “Updates” to the existing product.

Fixes, refinements and updates are cumulative and all are available to currently supported customers in the most current Update (i.e. image release, PUM release).

Last Modified: 10/20/23, 5:03 PM
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