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User Acceptance Testing Continues for DG4 Colleges

November 20, 2020 by ctcLink Communications

As their February 2021 go-live dates draw near, Deployment Group 4 (DG4) colleges — Centralia College, Edmonds College, Highline College, North Seattle College, Seattle Central College, South Seattle College, Seattle College District, and Wenatchee Valley College — are completing the first sprint of User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

The DG4 colleges have been engaged in this work since Oct. 26. UAT Sprint 2 User Acceptance Testing begins Monday, Nov. 30, 2020 and runs through Friday, Jan. 8, 2021.

During UAT, colleges assess and improve how they will use ctcLink in their own local business processes, determine the accuracy of college data converted to ctcLink PeopleSoft from Legacy, and inspect the users’ level of access (security roles) to functions within ctcLink.

Completing the UAT work in addition to regular assigned responsibilities, such as registering students for classes or processing payroll, has been no small feat for so many subject matter experts (SMEs).

UAT Sprints

Each UAT sprint includes sessions for users to test ctcLink functionality and assess accuracy of the data converted from Legacy in five pillar areas. Here are just a few examples of business processes and work flows to be tested in each area:

  • Campus Solutions (CS) – admissions, advising and enrollment, including for different student types, such as state-support, Running Start and International
  • Financial Aid (FA) – financial aid awards, tuition calculations, reconciliation, disbursements
  • Financial Management (FIN) – various billing and purchasing processes, general ledger
  • Human Capital Management (HCM) – hiring, onboarding, absence request processes
  • Student Financials (SF) – payment plans, refunds, collections


What it takes

All UAT begins with training to introduce testers to ctcLink functionality and how to perform the tests. SMEs continue to learn the system as they go through the UAT activities.

ctcLink is considerably different than the Legacy software and its modules are integrated and holistic, so problem-solving is more complex. Issues may be related to learning the new system or could be an issue with data conversion.

Many of the SMEs conducting UAT are not only performing two jobs, they are doing this work in a remote environment, where problem-solving and figuring out processes together can be awkward.

DG4 colleges are still in the process of completing UAT Sprint 1 tasks. To support the completion of Sprint 1 work before Sprint 2 begins, the ctcLink Project team is keeping the Sprint 1 testing live Webex sessions open through Wednesday, Nov. 25 to offer real-time support to colleges.

The ctcLink Project team is working tirelessly with the DG4 project managers (PMs) to make improvements to the Sprint 2 UAT based on lessons learned from Sprint 1.

UAT Weekly Check-In Meetings will be held every Thursday, 1 to 2 p.m., beginning Dec. 3. These important meetings are a chance for SMEs and testers to wrap up the week, clarify anything confusing, escalate issues, get advice, and share with other testers and the testing team.

All of the UAT Sprint 2 resources and Webex log-ins are at the UAT Activities tab, as well as in the Overview of User Acceptance Testing page in the Reference Center.

The ctcLink Project team is conducting an additional access-level security review for individuals prior to UAT and adjusting based on the college PMs’ direction. In addition, the DG4 colleges are making sure all types of employees have the correct security roles assigned. Improvements are being made to Student Financials and planning activities related to the dry-run of ctcLink go-live.

Giving thanks

In the midst of unsettled times, your DG4 colleagues and the ctcLink Project team continue to hold students at the heart of their work. They are working hard to deliver an integrated technology tool, on time and on budget, to support students and the college communities we serve. They deserve salutes, gratitude and hugs (virtual, of course).

Learn more about key DG4 training and testing activities and dates.

Last Modified: 2/18/22, 11:55 AM
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