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DG6 Begins Business Process Fit/Gap, the Key to a Good Conversion

December 14, 2020

The sixth and final ctcLink deployment group, DG6, is preparing to begin its Business Process Fit/Gap (BPFG) sessions. The primary goal of BPFGs is to gather local ctcLink configuration information, which tells Legacy data how to convert to its new home in ctcLink. At nine colleges — Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Columbia Basin College, Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Renton Technical College, Shoreline Community College, South Puget Sound Community College, Walla Walla Community College, and Yakima Valley College — DG6 is the largest deployment group. >>

Deployment Group 6 Colleges Kick Off ctcLink Activities

October 19, 2020

About 375 ctcLink Deployment Group 6 (DG6) project managers (PMs), subject matter experts (SMEs), college executive sponsors, college leaders, and ctcLink Project team members gathered online today for the official DG6 ctcLink Kickoff. At nine colleges — Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Columbia Basin College, Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Renton Technical College, Shoreline Community College, South Puget Sound Community College, Walla Walla Community College, Yakima Valley College — DG6 is the largest (and final) ctcLink deployment group. And with four technical colleges, it is the most varied deployment group to date. >>

Last Modified: 2/18/22, 11:55 AM
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