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Bills on college funding, help for students experiencing homelessness and campus security bills heard as committee work continues

February 01, 2019

With the session entering its third week, committees continued hearing bills that would impact community and technical college system. The House College and Workforce Development Committee took testimony on bills related to college funding, counselor training and staffing, and student homelessness. In the opposite chamber, the Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee heard a bill on campus security and expanding the veteran dependent tuition and fee waiver. >>

Career Connect Washington and Washington Promise Scholarship bills highlight the session's second week

January 25, 2019

Committee work continued this week as representatives and senators took up hot topics affecting community and technical colleges and students. House and Senate higher education committees heard governor-requested bills on Career Connect Washington and the Washington College Promise Scholarship at their Tuesday hearings. >>

College affordability, student support bills heard in committees one week before first cutoff

January 26, 2018

Representatives from the college system were in full-force on the hill this week as committees continued hearings ahead of next week’s policy cutoff deadline. Bills on college affordability, ways to support students as they attend college, and expanding apprenticeship opportunities were all on committee agendas. >>

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Legislative News is published weekly during the legislative session by the staff of the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges to highlight issues impacting the two-year college system.

SBCTC is led by a Governor-appointed board and provides leadership, advocacy, and coordination for Washington’s system of 34 public community and technical colleges. Each year, about 337,000 students train for the workforce, prepare to transfer to a university, gain basic math and English skills, or pursue continuing education. Visit our website at or email us a

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Last Modified: 9/11/24, 11:58 AM
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