Legislative News
Advocating as a college student
Last week I testified for the first time before the House Postsecondary Workforce and Education committee in support of House Bill 2309 which would establish the Washington 13 Free Guarantee. This bill would guarantee more high school graduates the means to pursue a postsecondary education at com...
Financial aid, free college bills moving after first cutoff
The Legislature reached its first cutoff deadline of the 2024 session Wednesday, when bills needed to be voted out of their policy committees to continue in the legislative process. Community and technical college system-supported bills are moving, including ones on financial aid support, expandi...
Committees hear tuition-free college, financial aid support bills
House and Senate policy committees continued their work this week hearing bills with potentially big impacts on colleges and college-going students in Washington state. On dockets were bills that would make college tuition free for graduates of the state's public high schools and expanding a fina...
Taking part in democracy
Mollie Kuwahara here. I am a Tacoma Community College student and one of the SBCTC’s student legislative interns for the 2024 session. Last Friday, for the first time ever, I testified on a bill.
Ready to learn and use my voice
Hi everyone, I’m Josaphine Saccio-Devine and I am one of this legislative session’s interns. I am so excited to begin this journey with all the amazing people at the State Board!
Credential registry, student support bills heard as week 2 concludes
Committee hearings ended their second week, with representatives and senators taking up bills on supporting incarcerated veteran, creating an online credential registry and expanding Washington College Grant eligibility.
Legislature kicks off 2024 session with budgets, corrections education, K-12 student support bills
The Legislature on Monday kicked off its 2024 session Monday, picking up where it left off at the end of its 2023 session in April. The short 60-day convening means fast-paced work to pass supplemental operating and capital budgets and any policy bills.
Legislature adjourns after passing operating, capital budgets
The Legislature adjourned sine die Sunday just after 10 p.m., passing the capital budget on Saturday and the operating budget on Sunday. The Senate also spent time Saturday and Sunday voting to confirm trustees to college boards of trustees and to the State Board.
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