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Hearings resume as Legislature passes House of Origin cutoff Wednesday

March 15, 2019

The House and Senate wrapped up voting bills out of their originating chamber Wednesday ahead of the House of Origin cutoff. Bills, unless necessary to implement the budget, need to be voted out of the House or Senate in order to continue in the legislative process. Committee hearings resumed Thursday with the Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee taking up the community and technical college system's requested bill HB 1714, which would grant a high school diploma to students over the age of 16 who complete an associate degree. >>

Working for a greater purpose

March 15, 2019

Opening old boxes containing trophies from my high school speech and debate career, I couldn’t help but chuckle at my past naivety. Though at the time I relentlessly pursued earning these pieces of plastic and metal, the material pointlessly sits deep in my closet today. However, the speaking and critical thinking skills that developed in that journey are what currently allow me to pursue my advocacy passion. The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges recognizes that the true purpose behind legislative advocacy does not lie in boosting our egos with accomplishments, but in changing student lives. >>

tags: intern

College system request bills moving ahead of floor cutoff deadline

March 08, 2019

The House and Senate spent the past week on the floor voting bills out of their chambers ahead of Wednesday's house of origin cutoff deadline. System requested bills HB 1714 — which would grant a high school diploma to students over the age of 16 who complete an associate degree — and SHB 1715 — which would remove the ability of a K-12 school district to withhold a student’s grades or transcripts because of unpaid fines or fees — both passed the House this week. >>

Student agendas meeting their checkpoint

March 08, 2019

Students enroll in college with a belief that they will one day cross the graduation stage. How the state invests in community and technical colleges should reflect that students want more than access to educational opportunities — they want to transfer, earn a certificate or degree, and leave college prepared to succeed in their careers. Yet too many students fail to complete college due to barriers including college affordability, educational resources and a lack of guidance that significantly increases the time to a degree. >>

tags: intern
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Legislative News is published weekly during the legislative session by the staff of the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges to highlight issues impacting the two-year college system.

SBCTC is led by a Governor-appointed board and provides leadership, advocacy, and coordination for Washington’s system of 34 public community and technical colleges. Each year, about 337,000 students train for the workforce, prepare to transfer to a university, gain basic math and English skills, or pursue continuing education. Visit our website at or email us a

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Last Modified: 7/31/24, 3:48 PM
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