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Board to hear update on system math course innovations

December 05, 2017 by SBCTC Communications

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges will hold its regular business meeting on Thursday, Dec. 7. The board is expected to take action on an updated plan for ctcLink, the college system's software for students and employees to interact with colleges. The board is also slated to authorize expenditures for a gym renovation and student housing project at Bellevue College

Also on the agenda is an update on the college system's efforts to help students with math courses required for graduation. Colleges developed "math pathways" so students learn math at the level they're prepared to take and in areas directly applicable to their field of study. The project will take lessons learned in developing these pathways to expand through the entire system of 34 community and technical colleges.

Prior to the business meeting, the State Board will hold a study session in which board members will hear and update on the year's system priorities: strategic enrollment, equity and diversity, completions and the ctcLink plan.

The study session business meeting will be held at Grays Harbor College, 1620 Edward P. Smith Drive in Aberdeen. The meeting's agenda and background materials are posted at the State Board's website.

Last Modified: 12/12/23, 10:39 AM
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