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College board set to vote on capital budget request, grants to colleges and partners

June 26, 2018 by SBCTC Communications

OLYMPIA — The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges is set to vote at its meeting Thursday, June 28 on the college system's 2019-21 capital budget request to the Washington state Legislature. The $623 million request covers designs for 24 projects and construction of 13 projects at colleges around the state, in addition to funds colleges use for emergencies and minor improvements and repairs.

The State Board is additionally set to vote on distributing about $50 million in grants to colleges and community based organizations. Most of the funding — over $42 million in federal and state funds — will support workforce training programs at the 34 community and technical colleges.

About $8 million in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) federal family literacy grant funds will go to the colleges and seven community based organizations to help meet basic education performance targets, and help students earn certificates and degrees to support them as they move into higher education and employment.

The State Board will hold a study session June 27 to review the 2019-21 capital budget request and the 2019-21 operating budget development process.

The meetings will be held in the Administration Building at Lower Columbia College, 1600 Maple St. in Longview. The State Board's agenda and background materials are posted on the State Board's website.

Both meetings are open to the public.

Last Modified: 12/12/23, 10:40 AM
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