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College board to vote on community and technical college system operating budget request

August 20, 2018 by SBCTC Communications

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges at its Thursday, Aug. 23 business meeting is set to vote on the college system's biennial budget request which, if approved, will go to the Office of Financial Management and the Washington State Legislature as they begin developing the state's 2019-2021 operating budget. The college system's draft budget includes funding requests for:

  • faculty and staff compensation
  • expanded outreach and partnerships with K-12 and universities to increase enrollment and success of diverse students. This includes “guided pathways” — a redesign of course sequencing and student advising
  • capacity expansion in high-demand programs like allied health, advanced manufacturing and information technology

Also on the agenda are presentations from the New Market Airplane Council and about Career Connect Washington on the role community and technical colleges play in those efforts.

Prior to the business meeting, the State Board will hold its annual retreat Tuesday, Aug. 21 and Wednesday, Aug. 22. Board members will hear updates on its priorities, which include equity and diversity, and systemwide advocacy efforts.

The business meeting and retreat will be held at Icicle Village Resort, 505 Highway 2 in Leavenworth. Both meetings, with the exception of an executive session scheduled for Aug. 21, are open to the public. The meeting's agenda and background materials are posted at the State Board's website. 

Last Modified: 12/12/23, 10:40 AM
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