Budget planning, funding accountability on August State Board agenda
OLYMPIA, Wash. — The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges will convene its August business meeting Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to prepare for the college system's 2021-23 biennium operating budget planning process. The approximately 6-month long process, which will involve every college, will produce a budget request to the Legislature in support of the system's priorities and goals. The State Board is expected to adopt the 2021-23 operating budget proposal in August 2020.
Also on the agenda is a discussion of the Workforce Education Investment Accountability and Oversight Board. The board was created by the Workforce Education Investment Act, passed by the Legislature during its 2019 session. The 17-member board — made up of representatives from the Legislature, business, labor, higher education and students — is charged with providing guidance and recommendations to the Legislature on workforce education priorities and funding, as well as ensuring accountability that the act's funding produces intended results.
Prior to its business meeting, the board will hold its annual retreat Monday, Aug. 26 and Tuesday, Aug. 27. Board members will hold a strategic planning session and hear an update on the college system's system-wide advocacy efforts. The board will also conduct its annual evaluation of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges' executive director.
The business meeting and retreat will be held at Skamania Lodge, 1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way in Stevenson. Both meetings, with the exception of the Aug. 26 executive session, are open to the public. The meeting's agenda and background materials are posted on the State Board's website.