HCM Users Group Bylaws
Bylaws of the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges Human Capital Management (HCM) Users Group
Article I - Name
The name of this organization is Human Capital Management Users Group and is referred to as HCM Users Group.
Article II - Affiliation
The HCM Users Group is organized under the authority of the Business Affairs Commission (BAC) and the Human Resources Management Commission (HRMC), jointly.
Article III - Purpose
- To provide a forum for consideration of ideas, problems, solutions, developments, and general functionality of the Human Capital Management portion of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges - Information Technology Division (SBCTC-ITD) cooperative computing system used by payroll and personnel staffs of the Washington community and technical College system.
- To facilitate coordination with SBCTC-ITD for training of users and implementation of HCM developments and procedures; and provide feedback to SBCTC-ITD on various aspects of the functionality of the system.
- To provide information resources for HCM Users, including presentations by SBCTC-ITD staff, representatives of various agencies and experts on topics related to issues of interest to HCM Users, including professional development.
Article IV - Membership
Member institutions are those community and technical colleges and four-year colleges that use HCM. Each college within a district is considered a separate member institution.
Official Member
One Official Member from each member institution is designated by respective appointing authorities for each college or district to be the HCM Coordinator.
Each HCM Coordinator will serve until a new HCM Coordinator is named. Official Members may hold office within the group and may vote.
Associate Members
Associate Members are HCM Users from each member institution, representatives of SBCTC-ITD and others with an interest in the functioning of the HCM.
Associate members may hold office if authorized to do so by the HCM Coordinator of the institution they represent.
Associate members do not vote, except when serving as officers of the organization, or when designated to do so in the absence of the HCM Coordinator of their respective institution. (Such designees are hereafter referred to as "proxies.")
Article V - Officers and Duties
Officers of the HCM Users Group consist of a chairperson, chair-elect, secretary and treasurer, each elected by a majority vote of the official members or proxies.
These four (4) positions constitute the HCM Users Group Executive Committee.
All HCM Users Group officers serve for a period of one (1) year with elections being held at the last meeting of each academic year. Unexpired terms are to be appointed by the chairperson.
- Duties of the Chairperson consist of scheduling and conducting meetings, preparing and issuing agendas, acting as liaison to BAC and HRMC, and communicating HCM Users Group issues and/or recommendations to SBCTC-ITD through appropriate channels.
- Duties of the Chair-elect consist of performing the duties of the chairperson in the event of the chairperson’s absence, assisting the chairperson in arranging meetings, and assuming the office of chairperson the following year.
- Duties of the Secretary consist of recording and distribution of minutes of all HCM Users Group meetings, and other Executive Committee duties as necessary.
- Duties of the Treasurer consist of receiving fees, payment of bills, reporting of treasury status and other Executive Committee duties as necessary.
The positions of secretary and treasurer may be combined in any year in which a member is willing to serve in both capacities and the official members or proxies agree by majority vote.
HCM Users Group officers may be removed from office by a majority vote of the official members or proxies.
Article VI - Procedures
All recommendations and elections will be decided by a simple majority vote of the official members or proxies present at regular meetings provided a quorum, consisting of a simple majority of member institutions, has been established; except that changes to the bylaws will be decided by a two-thirds vote of the quorum present at any meeting.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, is to be used as the authority on any questions of parliamentary procedure.
The HCM Users Group meets at least three (3) times per academic year and may meet more often if deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
Ad hoc committees may be formed to address issues of interest to specific member institutions, or to investigate and make recommendations to the HCM Users Group on issues of interest to all members. Whenever possible, it is desirable that all committees be comprised of approximate equal membership in terms of the variation in institutional enrollments and geographic locations. Committee members and associated responsibilities must be identified by the Executive Committee. Committee members need not be official members. All committee meetings are open to all members.
A registration fee of no less than $100 per year is charged to each member institution and is payable to the institution where the treasurer is in residence. Such institution will serve as the HCM Users Group host account. The amount of the fee for the following academic year must be approved by a majority vote at the last meeting of the prior academic year (Spring). The registration fees collected are used to pay expenses associated with meeting facilities, professional development and training, as required.
Agendas are distributed at least one week prior to regular meetings, and minutes are distributed within one month following regular meetings. Agendas and minutes of all regular meetings are distributed as follows:
- Official members of HCM Users Group (HCM Coordinators)
- Chairpersons of HRMC and BAC
- Associate Members at SBCTC-ITD
- Associate Members who are not affiliated with a member institution.
HCM Users Group Resources
- Membership information: officer contacts, membership contact list, and committee representatives
- Past meeting materials: agendas, minutes and handouts
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Last Modified: 9/9/24, 6:15 PM