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ctcLink Accounting Manual | 10.20.70 ctcLink Application of Fund Accounting

Cash types are used to indicate the custody, restrictions or usage of cash and investments within an account. Funds are either local or treasury depending upon whether the cash balance is under the control of the local district (local bank account) or under the custody of the Office of the State Treasurer (OST).

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Treasury account (T) has cash on deposit in and under the control of the State Treasurer. Treasury accounts are subject to appropriation unless specifically exempted.

Local account (L) has cash on deposit in a local bank account under the control of the college. The local bank must be an approved public depository as designated by the Public Deposit Protection Commission. Local accounts are not appropriated but may be allotted.

Treasury Trust accounts are not always required by law to be within the treasury, but are placed in the custody of the State treasurer. Treasury Trust accounts are not always subject to appropriation. Currently, Fund 743 - Faculty Awards Trust (SBCTC only) is the only Treasury Trust account used by the CTC system. This fund has been inactive for a number of years.


For state purposes, funds are either budgeted or non-budgeted. Budgeted funds are subject to the state’s appropriation and/or allotment process. (refer to CLAM 20.10, SAAM 75.30.20, and SAAM 85.10 )


ctcLink uses three different fund types to allow college accounting data to convert correctly for AFRS:

  • AFRS Fund Type (Cash Types). AFRS fund type codes assist in the conversion of the cash accounts in ctcLink to the correct cash type in AFRS (as an example, all cash entries in treasury funds are converted to in-process GLs).
    1. Treasury Funds (Appropriated/Allotted)
    2. Treasury Trust Funds
    3. Local Funds
    4. Proprietary Funds
    5. Fiduciary Funds
  • ctcLink Fund Type. ctcLink fund types allow the system to control the type of entries permitted in each fund type.
    1. Governmental Funds (Appropriated/Allotted) See CLAM 10.20.20.a.1
    2. Permanent Funds See CLAM 10.20.20.a.5
    3. Special Revenue Funds See CLAM 10.20.20.a.2 and 20.20.d.1 and 10.20.20.d.2.
    4. Proprietary Funds See CLAM 10.20.20.b.
    5. Fiduciary Funds See CLAM 10.20.20.c.4.
  • EFT Fund Type. A value for each fund exists, indicating whether the transactions are state or local.  These values are primarily used in the creation of payroll EFT transactions.


The fund classification matrix below shows the funds used by the community and technical colleges and their respective classifications (refer also to SAAM 75.30 for OFM classifications).

ctcLink Fund AFRS Fund Title OFM Category AFRS Fund Type ctcLink Fund Type AFRS Fund Type Code Cash Type Budgeted (B) or Non-budgeted (N) in AFRS
001 001 State General Fund Governmental General Fund 1 AA T B
057 057 St Building Construction Acct Governmental Capital Projects 1 DA T B
060 060 Community And Technical College Capital Projects Governmental Capital Projects 1 DA T B
08A 08A Education Legacy Trust Governmental Special Revenue 1 BA T B
11A 11A Employment Training Finance governmental Special Revenue 1 BA T B
145 145 Grants Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA T B
146 145 Contracts Governmental Special Revenue 3 See Fund 145
147 147 Higher Ed Local Plant Acct Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA L N
148 148 Higher Ed Dedicated Local Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA L N
149 149 Higher Ed Operating Fees Acct Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA L B
24J 24J Workforce Investment Acct Governmental Special Revenue 1 BA T B
253 253 Education Construction Acct Governmental Special Revenue 1 BA T B
357 357 Gardner-Evans Higher Ed Construction Acct Governmental Capital Projects 1 DA T B
440 440 Stores Proprietary Internal Service 4 GA L N
443 443 Data Processing Proprietary Internal Service 4 GA L N
444 443 SBCTC-IT Control (SBCTC Only) Proprietary Internal Service 4 See Fund 443
448 448 Printing Proprietary Internal Service 4 GA L N
450 450 Other Facilities Proprietary Internal Service 4 GA L N
460 460 Motor Pool Proprietary Internal Service 4 GA L N
489 489 Pension Funding Stabilization Acct Governmental Special Revenue 1 BA T B
522 522 Associated Students Proprietary Enterprise 4 FA L N
524 524 Bookstore Proprietary Enterprise 4 FA L N
528 528 Parking Proprietary Enterprise 4 FA L N
561 561 Innovation Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA T B
569 569 Food Services Proprietary Enterprise 4 FA L N
570 570 Auxiliary Enterprises Proprietary Enterprise 4 FA L N
573 573 Housing And Food Services Proprietary Enterprise 4 FA L N
743 743 Faculty Awards Trust (SBCTC Only) Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA T* N
790 790 College Payroll Clearing Fiduciary Custodial 5 HD L N
840 840 Agency Fiduciary Custodial 5 HD L N
841 841 Cash Control Fiduciary Custodial 5 See Fund 840
843 843 Exceptional Faculty Awards Endowment Governmental Permanent 2 EA L N
846 846 Grants In Aid Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA L N
849 849 Student Loan Acct Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA L N
850 850 Work Study Acct Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA L N
859 859 Endowment Local Acct Governmental Permanent 2 EA L N
860 860 Institutional Financial Aid Fund Governmental Special Revenue 3 BA L N
991 991 NDSL Fund Rolls to 849 for AFRS Reporting 3  
992 992 Nurses Loan Fund Rolls to 849 for AFRS Reporting 3  
993 993 NDSL Fund Rolls to 849 for AFRS Reporting 3  
995 995 NDSL Fund Rolls to 849 for AFRS Reporting 3  
997 997 General Capital Assets Subsidiary General Capital Assets And LT Obligations General Capital Assets 3 IA L N
999 999 General Long Term Obligations Subsidiary General Capital Assets And LT Obligations General Long-Term Obligations 3 JA L N
T* Treasury trust account - see SAAM 75.30.20-2


10.20.60 Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting <<  10.20.70 >>  10.30 ctcLink Chart Accounts Overview

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Last Modified: 7/31/24, 4:09 PM

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