BEdA Handbook
BEdA Grants and Application Processes
Minimum Components
The Washington State Minimum Components of Basic Education for Adults Services, Activities, and Programming, are based upon research into the elements of successful adult education programming. They provide a framework for designing an adult education system that supports students from program entry to successful transition into college-level education and the workplace. The Minimum Components guide grant applications, grant review, and program monitoring.
The Federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, Title II which authorizes the federal Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), is the source of Washington state's BEdA Master and EL Civics Grants. Funds are allocated through an RFA (Request for Application) open and competitive process. On years when a competitive RFA is not opened, all funded providers must complete an extension application to receive continued funding.
BEdA Master Grant
Provides funding to provide adults with instruction based on research that prepares them for college and career pathways to attain their educational goals and successfully navigate education and employment opportunities.
IEL/Civics Grant
Integrated English Language Civics (IEL/Civics) funding supports English Language Acquisition programming that is aligned with the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) and contextualized to a specific career or career cluster that leads to a certificate or degree.
Distribution of Grant Funds
For both BEdA Master and EL Civics grants, the funds are distributed on a pro rata share among providers based on the previous three-year average of data. Allocations will be recalculated annually using the same methodology and formula. For more information, see pages 27–28 of the State Plan.
BEdA Leadership Block Grant
The Leadership Block Grant is available each year to all BEdA funded providers. The purpose of this grant is to increase system capacity for continuous program improvement and support participation in required training as identified by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC). Activities that may be covered by this grant include: SBCTC-BEdA required trainings, SBCTC-BEdA sponsored training activities, and program improvement projects.
BEdA CBO State Grant
Approved community-based organizations (CBOs) receive a grant from the SBCTC for adult basic education activities. This is state funding appropriated by the Legislature for basic education for adults (BEdA). CBOs may only use these funds for adult basic education activities that would also be allowable under their federal BEdA grant(s). Providers may use these funds as match and/or maintenance of effort (MOE) for their federal BEdA grants. The funds must be spent in the fiscal year in which they are allocated.
BEdA Handbook Table of Contents
How Do Providers Apply for a Grant?
- Visit the Grants for Colleges page for detailed information about applying for funds to deliver adult basic education services.
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Last Modified: 7/31/24, 3:40 PM