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Reverse Transfer/Articulation

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Earn your community college associate degree even if you already transferred. You earned it. You deserve it. So make it official. 

A degree is one way to show your achievements.  An associate degree — even after they’ve transferred from a community or technical college — helps build your resumé and puts you in a better position when you enter the job market.

Did You Transfer Before Earning an Associate Degree?

Adding an associate degree to your college transcript will help build your educational resumé, document applicable job qualifications, and provide you with the benefits and options associated with earning an associate in arts degree as part of the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA).

Steps to Earning a Reverse Transfer/Articulation Degree

  1. Participating university notifies students they are eligible for reverse transfer/articulation and outlines process.
  2. Student contacts most recently attended community or technical college (or college with most credits earned) using the Reverse Transfer Contact List
  3. Student requests transcripts from university to be sent to community or technical college.
  4. Community or technical college confirms student has earned DTA.
  5. Community or technical college sends transcript to university.
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Students who transferred to Central Washington University before earning an associate degree may be eligible to earn their degree.

CWU Reverse Transfer Program Policy

Students who transferred to Eastern Washington University before earning an associate degree may be eligible to earn their degree.

MOU EWU-SBCTC Reverse Articulation-2017

Students who transferred to The Evergreen State College before earning an associate degree may be eligible to earn their degree.

MOU TESC-SBCTC Reverse Articulation 2017

Students who transferred to the University of Washington before earning an associate degree may be eligible to earn their degree.

UW Reverse Transfer Program Policy

Students who transferred to Washington State University before earning an associate degree may be eligible to earn their degree.

MOU WSU-SBCTC Reverse Articulation-2017

Students who transferred to WGU Washington before earning an associate degree may be eligible to earn their degree.

WGU-Washington Articulation Agreement

Students who transferred before earning an associate degree may be eligible to earn their degree through the Western Washington University Reverse Transfer Option.

WWU Reverse Transfer Plan


Valerie Sundby
Director of Transfer Education

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Last Modified: 10/14/24, 10:53 AM

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