Next Deployment Group Gears Up for May 11 Go-Live
The second half of Deployment Group 3 (DG3-B) — Cascadia College, Peninsula College and Pierce College District — gears up for May 11, 2020 go-live under extraordinary circumstances. >>
The second half of Deployment Group 3 (DG3-B) — Cascadia College, Peninsula College and Pierce College District — gears up for May 11, 2020 go-live under extraordinary circumstances. >>
The first Deployment Group 3 (DG3-A) colleges — Lower Columbia College (LCC) and Olympic College (OC) — successfully went live on ctcLink PeopleSoft this week. Good news for a challenging week. >>
The second half of Deployment Group 2 (DG2) -- Clark College and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) agency -- went live on ctcLink PeopleSoft as of Monday, Oct. 28, 2019. >>
All the ctcLink deployment groups are making headway and the ctcLink Steering Committee unanimously approved an October 2019 “Go” for Deployment Group 2 (DG2). Community Colleges of Spokane and Tacoma Community College will upgrade Oct. 11 to 13 to prepare for a Monday, Oct. 14, 2019 Go-Live. Clark College and the SBCTC Agency will convert from the Legacy software to ctcLink PeopleSoft the weekend of Oct. 25 to 27 to get ready for a Monday, Oct. 28, 2019 Go-Live for Clark College and SBCTC employees. Clark College students will go live on ctcLink on Oct. 30. >>
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