Strengthening skills throughout the session

April 21, 2023 | By Jacob Katz

Being a person who learns best by seeing and doing, my time serving as a legislative intern this session has been a truly optimal environment for learning and growing both personally and professionally.

With session's end in two days, Legislature awaits budget deals

April 21, 2023 | By SBCTC Communications

With sine die just two days away, House and Senate budget writers are expected to release the negotiated capital budget today and the operating budget tomorrow. Look next week for a special edition of Legislative News to see how the budgets will impact community and technical colleges.

Last cutoff passes, session heads into final full week

April 14, 2023 | By SBCTC Communications

With just over a week to go in the 2023 legislative session, the House and Senate on Wednesday reached their last major cutoff deadline, when bills coming from the opposite chamber needed to receive a vote. Community and technical college system-supported bills on dual credit, College Bound Schol...

College system-supported bills moving as session passes last committee cutoff

April 7, 2023 | By SBCTC Communications

Tuesday marked the last committee cutoff of the 2023 legislative session when bills with a fiscal impact needed to be voted out of those committees in order to continue in the legislative process. For the community and technical college system, bills on Running Start, nursing education, data shar...

Finding the momentum to fight burnout

April 7, 2023 | By Shannon Cosgrove

Some big “ends” are rapidly approaching, which means new beginnings as well. My last quarter at Columbia Basin College just began, which is exciting and terrifying because it means beginning the next part of my journey.

Teamwork makes the dream work

March 31, 2023 | By Jacob Katz

While the remaining pieces of legislation that the State Board has been tracking this session make their way through fiscal committees and budgets make their way to the floors of their chambers, the chance to participate in professional development and collaborative work in and outside of the age...

House budget proposals released

March 31, 2023 | By SBCTC Communications

House budget writers on Monday released their versions of the operating and capital budgets. The House Appropriations Committee heard testimony on the operating budget proposal on Monday, and the House Capital Budget Committee took up that budget on Tuesday.

Support Senate Bill 5702!

March 24, 2023 | By Baydaa Alshatee

I am a student senator at Everett Community College, and one of our focuses for fall quarter was housing insecurity. For a variety of reasons, many students are at risk or have experienced housing insecurity. As a senator, I get to interact with the student body as their peer and be a voice for t...