ctcLink Deployment Groups
Who Deployed When?
As of May 9, 2022, all 34 colleges and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges agency office in Olympia implemented ctcLink in deployment groups ranging from six to nine colleges each.
Deployment groups (DG) were created with an eye toward balancing many factors, including, but not limited to: deployment size, college readiness, colleges’ preference, college type (technical or community college), and whether the summer quarter is the start or the end term (“header ”or “trailer”) for the college’s financial and student calendar.
Timeline graphic
A timeline graphic shows how the deployment groups lined up.
October 2019 (four colleges, one agency)
Oct. 14, 2019 PeopleSoft upgrade
- Community Colleges of Spokane
- Tacoma Community College
Oct. 28, 2019 Deploy/Go-Live
- Clark College
While DG2 is a small cohort, it is complex.
Spokane Community College, Spokane Falls Community College and Tacoma Community College were in the first implementation group (“First Link” colleges).
The PeopleSoft software was due for a major upgrade. It was more complicated than just downloading the latest version of your favorite browser, requiring a substantial effort for Spokane, Tacoma and project resources.
So, while Clark College and SBCTC went through its initial implementation of ctcLink PeopleSoft, Spokane and Tacoma focused on the adoption of PeopleSoft Fluid (a responsive interface for better user navigation) and Campus Solutions 9.2, as well as implementing the new chart of accounts and security redesign, all followed by a whole lot of testing and training.
DG2 Lessons Learned
March 9, 2020 (DG3-A)
- Lower Columbia College
- Olympic College
May 11, 2020 (DG3-B)
- Cascadia College
- Peninsula College
- Pierce College District (2 colleges)
- Begin initiation phase work: February 2018
- Begin public status reports: December 2018
- Implementation phase: February 2019
- Deploy/Go-Live: March 9 and May 11, 2020
DG3 Lessons Learned
February 8, 2021 (DG4-A)
- Centralia College
- Edmonds College
- Highline College
- Wenatchee Valley College
February 22, 2021 (DG4-B)
- North Seattle College
- Seattle Central College
- South Seattle College
- Begin initiation phase work: March 2018
- Begin public status reports: January 2019
- Implementation phase begins: November 2019
- Deploy/Go-Live: Feb. 8 and 22, 2021
DG4 Lessons Learned
October 11, 2021 (DG5-A)
- Green River College
- Skagit Valley College
October 25, 2021 (DG5-B)
- Bellingham Technical College
- Big Bend Community College
- Whatcom Community College
November 8, 2021 (DG5-C)
- Bellevue College
- Everett Community College
- Grays Harbor College
- Begin initiation phase work: July 2018
- Begin public status reports: March 2019
- Implementation phase begins: March 2020
- Deploy/Go-Live: Oct. 11, Oct. 25, Nov. 8, 2021
DG5 Lessons Learned
Go-Live Feb. 28, 2022 (DG6-A)
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- Renton Technical College
- Shoreline Community College
Go-Live April 25, 2022 (DG6-B)
- Clover Park Technical College
- Columbia Basin College
- Walla Walla Community College
Go-Live May 9, 2022 (DG6-C)
- Bates Technical College
- South Puget Sound Community College
- Yakima Valley College
- Begin initiation phase work: March 2019
- Begin public status reports: November 2019
- Implementation phase begins: November 2020
- Deploy/Go-Live: Feb. 28, April 25, and May 9, 2022
DG6 Lessons Learned
The dates and groups are best estimates of when ctcLink PeopleSoft products will go live at each college, district office and SBCTC.
Like any enterprise-wide project of this magnitude, it is subject to multiple factors, including college readiness. Colleges will be evaluated on measures of readiness before being part of any deployment group.
Deployment Groups and dates are subject to revision. Entrance to Deployment Group conditional based on college initiation work.
Initiation Phase
Preparatory work and readiness activities are required of each college and agency in advance of beginning its deployment phase toward Go-Live.
Initiation Phase work includes, but is not limited to: dedicated project manager, college readiness activities, project execution plans, Legacy business process maps, resources/budget allocated, and more.
ctcLink Related Resources
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Last Modified: 7/31/24, 3:48 PM