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ctcLink Executive Sponsor Resources

Historical Information

So, you were named the Executive Sponsor for the ctcLink implementation at your college. Now what?

Learn more about what it means to be an executive sponsor and how this role works with — and supports — the project manager and college team to drive organizational change.

Executive Sponsor Resource Guides

To support executive sponsors in communicating local ctcLink implementation activities with their college stakeholders, the ctcLink Project Management Office sends a monthly email with templates and ideas based on the Executive Sponsor Resource Guides.

See the entire guides below. If the URLs/links in the PDFs aren't working for you, refresh your screen or clear your browser data (cached images and files) and try again.

More tools and ideas

Helpful Articles and Tools for Executive Sponsors

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Executive Sponsor's Importance and RoleWhen asked to identify the key contributors to the success of their change initiatives, participants in the Best Practices in Change Management study placed active and visible executive sponsorship at the top of the list. 

How to Be an Effective Executive Sponsor
In contrast with the project leader, who focuses mostly on day-to-day execution, the sponsor role is much more strategic, focusing on creating conditions for success instead of tactical implementation.
Harvard Business Review, May 18, 2015

10 Do’s and Don’ts for the Executive Sponsor
My first outing as an executive sponsor … was less than memorable. … Unaware of what I was truly supposed to do, I treated the role as mostly ceremonial. I sent out the charter, attended the launch meeting, facilitated a couple of project reviews and made certain to keep the rest of the executive team apprised of the project’s progress.
Art Petty (2016)

Gain Executive Leadership Support in Project Management
Project Managers have a difficult job. By the nature of their role, they assume responsibility for forming an effective team to pursue and succeed with new initiatives. ... One of the most important factors promoting project success is the presence of an effective, engaged executive sponsor.
Art Petty (2019)

A Project Manager’s Guide to the Executive Sponsor Role: 4 Tips to Successfully Navigate That Partnership
How to stop projects from derailing because of inadequate sponsor support.
Project Management, Eileen O'Loughlin (2019)

Prosci Sponsor Checklist for Change Management
Prosci's Sponsorship Checklist can be used as an audit tool to see if you are using best practices in how you engage the senior leaders on your change initiatives.

Prosci Change Management Articles
Research, tutorials and guidance from trusted sources in the field of change management.

Prosci Change Management Downloadable Tools
Free guides, templates, checklists and more … to help you manage change effectively in your organization

The Technology Fallacy: How People Are the Real Key to Digital Transformation
Why an organization's response to digital disruption should focus on people and processes and not necessarily on technology. Why an organization's response to digital disruption should focus on people and processes and not necessarily on technology.
MIT Press, Gerald C. Kane, Anh Nguyen Phillips, Jonathan R. Copulsky and Garth R. Andrus (2019)

Disclaimer: These links are provided as a convenience for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement or approval by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges of any of the products, services or opinions of other organizations or individuals. SBCTC bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.

ctcLink Project Charters  and Resources

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Last Modified: 7/31/24, 3:51 PM

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