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ctcLink Learning Opportunities & Support Roundup: Dec. 6, 2023

December 06, 2023 by ctcLink Communications

This is the first weekly update about ctcLink learning opportunities and ctcLink support news. We hope you find this round-up helpful.

What ctcLink learning opportunities are available?

ctcLink Support eLists

ctcLink Customer Support teams send notifications of learning opportunities (including trainings, work sessions, user acceptance testing, and more), as well as global and cross-pillar system communications to the applicable ctcLink Support eLists (aka listservs) on a regular basis.

If you are a ctcLink end-user, and not already hearing about learning opportunities firsthand, join one or more support lists today: ctcLink Support eLists 

Training calendar

Find the latest learning opportunities, including notices of cancellation or schedule changes, on the ctcLink Training page or on the SBCTC meetings and events calendar (apply filters).

Take a training tour

View the ctcLink Training Overview video for a quick online tour of resources. To view it in full screen, select box icon in the upper right corner.

Learning Opportunities & Work Sessions Ahead

Resource Description
ctcLink Training Quick Reference Guides The ctcLink Training Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) in the ctcLink Reference Center lists and links to recordings of sessions delivered by the Training Team.
Work Sessions in Canvas The Work Session Canvas Course lists and links to recordings of sessions, including CS Core-offered Work Sessions. Register for the course(s) at ctcLink Training Registration.
ctcLink Security Documentation & Training Find ctcLink Security-related training materials, documentation, Quick Reference Guides (QRGs), useful queries, and more on the ctcLink Security Documentation & Training page.
Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forums SBCTC hosts monthly Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forums to engage Washington's community and technical college system in discussions around ctcLink accessibility and technology. Find materials and recordings from past ctcLink Accessibility Forums on the website.


ctcLink News

At the request of colleges, newly developed reports of college participation in learning opportunities (e.g., instructor-led training and work sessions) and submitted SolarWinds service tickets are now available. Your ctcLink College Leader, vice president, or president may contact ctcLink Customer Support Director Dani Bundy, or ctcLink Customer Relations Manager Roger Curry to request your college’s reports. 

  • Training Participation report: Summarizes each college’s attendance of all 135 total ctcLink instructor-led live trainings and work sessions offered year-to-date (Jan. 1 – Nov. 30, 2023), attendance and percentage by college. Does not include Canvas self-paced courses. 
  • Service Ticket Submission overview: Categorizes your college’s SolarWinds tickets by pillar area to show how many tickets in specific ctcLink areas staff have submitted. This report is currently generated by a manual process that is being refined for future automation. 

Changes Coming to Recurrences (Recurring Job Sets)

An SBCTC ctcLink cross-pillar team has been meeting to strategize upcoming changes to recurrences in the ctcLink pillars. On Dec. 15, 2023, ctcLink users will receive detailed instructions and materials, including new:

  • QRG checklists with additional information on how to use recurrences in ctcLink, and
  • Recurrence definitions with a consistent naming convention.

Expected impacts

The biggest impact for college employees will be in the CS pillar, since most of the processes running on recurrence in HCM and FSCM are handled by SBCTC.

The changes will mostly impact CS, FA, and SF users, including those who:

  • Schedule processes and JobSets to run on a repeating basis
  • Currently have recurrences scheduled (and may need to do some clean-up)
  • May be interested in using recurrences in the future and want to understand impacts

You can also expect to see changes in Jobs Currently Scheduled and Running. Stay tuned for details!

What is a recurrence anyway?

Scheduling recurrences automates scheduled tasks or jobs (e.g., waitlist, admissions letters, drop for non-payment, error reports) reducing manual effort.

What are ctcLink Reports, Jobs, and Queries?

  • Reports in ctcLink are existing reports with defined elements. 
  • Jobs are collections of ctcLink processing tasks. The terms "job" and "process" are often used interchangeably. A report is considered a job, so the directions for running a report and job are the same.
  • Query tools are used to retrieve selected data.

CS Core Learning Opportunities

CS Core Work Session

Quiz COREner! | Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, 1:00 – 3:00 pm

As 2023 ends, join us to celebrate the first full year in which our entire system was in ctcLink! We’re proud of how much knowledge and progress we’ve made as a system, and we know you are proud of your college for the same. So, let’s take some time for some fun and games! Your CS Core team will host this trivia session-esque experience.

The winning college not only gets bragging rights but ALSO gets to work with us to ensure that one of their most desired topics is addressed in a 2024 work session. This is your opportunity for you to show off that you’ve been scouring your bulletins, attending our work sessions, and bookmarking your QRGs/Canvas courses. We may even throw in some random college and Washington state facts!

CS Core Training

CS Core Refresher: Manual Conversion of Legacy Records | Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023, 8:30 - 10:00 am

We invite you to join us for an overview of the manual conversion of student records. You may be required to bring a Legacy record to ctcLink for returning students. Topics to be covered include:

  • Legacy Transcript
  • ctcLink Student Record
  • Convert Coursework
  • Complete ctcLink Record

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for PO Template Enhancement Request (ER 192)

You are invited to join a short session to review the proposed update to the purchase order (PO) template (add the supplier email address). The session includes an opportunity to test and ask questions. Choose either repeating session:

FSCM College Users Production Support Meetings

Meetings are held every Tuesday, from 2 to 3 p.m. The Finance Functional team provides updates on Service Tickets, PeopleSoft enhancements, and open forum time to ask questions or request future topics. This session is open to ALL Finance end users.

ctcLink Grants “Did You Know?” Series

These sessions are offered as part of the recurring FSCM/FIN Production Support meetings, The “Did You Know?” DYK portion usually begins about 10 to 15 minutes into the session and each session builds on the prior.

Watch the prior session recording(s) before the next session if possible: PeopleSoft Pillar Work Sessions Schedule

FIN Learning Opportunities

Date Time Event
Dec 6 1pm FIN Work Session: PO Template UAT (Session 2 of 2)
Dec 7 10am ctcLink Accounting Team: Grants Module Requirement Update
Dec 11 11am FIN Work Session: Grants/Projects Q&A Drop-In *UPDATED LINK*
Dec 12 2pm FIN Work Session: FSCM Prod Support Meeting (Did You Know DYK on GR 3of3)
Dec 13 2pm ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting
Dec 14 10am ctcLink Accounting Team: LGIP / Investment Review
Dec 14 12pm FIN Training: Customizing the Treasury WorkCenter
Dec 14 1pm FIN Training: 1099 Process for FY2023

Mass Packaging Process Enhancements

The colleges and SBCTC are making great progress working together toward the Mass Packaging process enhancements:

  • All colleges have completed testing and signed off with a Pass.
  • Solution is scheduled for migration to ctcLink Production next Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023.
  • Notification will be sent to the FA community this week to let them know the outcome and Production release date.
  • Confidence testing and final notification is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023.

FA Learning Opportunities

Check Out a New FA Process!

NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Using Term-Based User Edit Messages (UEMs): Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023, 9-11 am 

This session is a review of a new process Spokane Falls Community College piloted for the 2023 academic year and which they reports works beautifully! 

Prior to using UEMs for National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Transfer Monitoring, colleges found it challenging and cumbersome to track the history of NSLDS Transfer Monitoring checklist assignment.  Now, using UEMs, you can track the history of assigned and resolved UEMs, and assign UEMs for Transfer Monitoring per term.


  • Understand the steps in the Transfer Monitoring/FAH Process:
  • Assign NSLDS UEMs
  • Process NSLDS Transfer/FAH Monitoring
  • Upload/Download File Process
  • Import Federal Data Files
  • Process NSLDS Files
  • Review NSLDS Flagged Students
  • Run NSLDS Push
  • Resolve NSLDS UEM

HCM Image 47 Update

The HCM Image 47 update was implemented Dec. 2, 2023. If you missed the HCM Image 47 Q&A Session, watch the HCM 47 Q&A Session recording (repeating sessions were held Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 2023).

Image Overview Update Documents

Image Overview Update Documents outline the functional and accessibility changes for updates and upgrades.

The Human Capital Management Image 47 Overview document includes functional changes for the following modules:

  • Benefits
    • Benefits Summary Page
  • Payroll
    • Updated Federal / State Tax Table
    • NR Alien Tax Treaty Update
    • Garnishment Rule Changes
    • Request Direct Deposit Update
    • One-Time Deductions Processing Order
    • Automatic Employee Tax Data

Changes in the following modules affect employees and managers:

  • Employee Self-Service
    • Updated Illinois Form IL-W-4
    • Fluid Timesheet Enhancements
  • Manager Self-Service
    • Team Time

HCM Image 47 Accessibility Enhancements

Learn more about related accessibility enhancements in the Human Capital Management Image 47 Accessibility Supplemental document. Changes in the following modules affect employees and managers who use assistive technology:

  • Employee Self Service
    • Manage Absence – Remove Duplicate Submit Button
    • Manage Absence – New Fields are Announced
    • Timesheet Summary Contrast/Comments
    • Personal Details Tile – Input Purpose
  • Manager Self Service
    • Updated Delegation Framework

Basic ctcLink Payroll Overview Training Recording

The Basic ctcLink Payroll Overview Training recording (Nov. 29, 2023) has been published in the HCM: PR100 Payroll Canvas course. To locate the recording:

  • Log in to your Canvas account and go to the HCM: PR100 Payroll Canvas course.
  • From the left-hand navigation, go to Modules.
  • Scroll down to Module 11: Additional Resources.
  • From the resources list, click Training Videos/Webex Recordings.
  • Toward the top of the list, go to the 2023 - HCM Training heading.
  • The recording and slide deck are labeled HCM Training: Basic ctcLink Payroll Overview.


This direct link below will take you to your Canvas sign-on page first, then right to Training Videos/Webex Recordings page where you can select the recording link to open in a new window. If you have not registered, you will receive an “access denied” message. If your access is specific to your institution, you may need to modify it (i.e., in the URL, replace SBCTC with your institution).

Contact Jerry Lambert, ctcLink Functional Trainer – HCM, if you have questions.

HCM Learning Opportunities

Second Journal Set Enhancement

The Student Financials team, along with SBCTC Business Operations, is implementing a significant efficiency to the Second Journal Sets (SJS) processing from Jan. 22 to Feb. 9, 2024.

The SJS process will shift to nightly automation, enhancing efficiency by eliminating manual intervention. Join our college information sessions taking place beginning next week and participate in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) beginning early January for a smooth transition.

1098T Statement Processing

If you haven't already done so, please send out the Electronic Consent to view 1098Ts and the SSN/Tin Request communications ASAPand submit a ticket for any letter template updates.

The first three training courses are complete. Access the 2023 1098-Ts Work Session recording and slide decks in Canvas.

Running Start: Corrected SQEAF and New RSEVF Resource from OSPI 

The following update from Tim McClain, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Dual Credit Program Supervisor, Secondary Education and Pathway Preparation, was shared with the ctcLink Student Financials list on Dec. 1. 

Spring Quarter Eligibility Adjustment Form (SQEAF) Form 

A formula error in an earlier version of the Spring Quarter Eligibility Adjustment Form (SQEAF) included with Bulletin #057-23 has been corrected. The revised form is available at the OSPI Course-Based Dual Credit page, under “1.40 FTE Limitation” in the Running Start Program Details section: Spring Quarter Enrollment Adjustment Form (SQEAF). 

Running Start Enrollment Verification Form (RSEVF) Training 

Concerns were raised about RSEVF training, so OSPI is working to produce a digital RSEVF tutorial to download and/or access on demand. They are applying finishing touches and hope to make it available as early as next week (week of Dec. 4, 2023).

In the meantime, anyone with RSEVF questions is encouraged to review the Running Start Technical Guide, available on the OSPI Dual Credit Programs website and provided with Bulletin #057-23. 

SF Learning Opportunities

ctcLink Accessibility Open Forum

SBCTC hosts a monthly forum the second Tuesday of each month, 11 a.m. to noon. to engage Washington's community and technical college system in discussions around ctcLink accessibility and technology.

We aim to improve communication and transparency while providing space for productive and solution-focused dialog. Our main objective is to deliver accessible technology for all our students, staff, and the larger community.

The next ctcLink Accessibility Open Forum is Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023, at 11 a.m. All are welcomed to attend via Zoom.

Resources and Trainining for Local Security Administrators

The Local Security Administrators (LSAs) meet the second Thursday of each month, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

LSAs stay up-to-date on new learning opportunities with the ctcLink-Security mailman eList.  

New offerings are always being developed and LSAs can find security-related training materials, documentation, Quick Reference Guides (QRGs), useful queries, and more at the ctcLink Security Documentation & Training page.


Last Modified: 9/11/24, 12:05 PM
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