ctcLink Learning Opportunities & Support Roundup: Jan. 17, 2024
A weekly round-up of ctcLink learning opportunities, ctcLink support updates, and news for Washington state community and technical college ctcLink users.
If you have questions or suggestions for future editions, contact ctcLink News or slnelson@sbctc.edu.
What ctcLink learning opportunities are available?
ctcLink Support eLists
ctcLink Customer Support teams send notifications of learning opportunities (including trainings, work sessions, user acceptance testing, and more), as well as global and cross-pillar system communications to the applicable ctcLink Support eLists (aka listservs) on a regular basis.
If you are a ctcLink end-user, and not already hearing about learning opportunities firsthand, join one or more support lists today: ctcLink Support eLists
Training calendar
Find the latest learning opportunities, including notices of cancellation or schedule changes, on the ctcLink Training page or on the SBCTC meetings and events calendar (apply filters).
Take a training tour
View the ctcLink Training Overview video for a quick online tour of resources. To view it in full screen, select box icon in the upper right corner.
Learning Opportunities & Work Sessions Ahead
To plan further ahead or find the latest learning opportunities, as well as notices of cancellation or schedule changes, see the complete calendar at the ctcLink Training page or on the SBCTC meetings and events calendar (apply filters).
Resource | Description |
ctcLink Training Quick Reference Guides | The ctcLink Training Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) in the ctcLink Reference Center lists and links to recordings of sessions delivered by the Training Team. |
Work Sessions in Canvas | The Work Session Canvas Course lists and links to recordings of sessions, including CS Core-offered Work Sessions. Register for the course(s) at ctcLink Training Registration. |
ctcLink Security Documentation & Training | Find ctcLink Security-related training materials, documentation, Quick Reference Guides (QRGs), useful queries, and more on the ctcLink Security Documentation & Training page. |
Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forums | SBCTC hosts monthly Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forums to engage Washington's community and technical college system in discussions around ctcLink accessibility and technology. Find materials and recordings from past ctcLink Accessibility Forums on the website. |
ctcLink News
Enhancement Requests Recently Deployed
- Campus Solutions ER 255 (FYI) HCX "About" link message text update - deployed in production Jan. 9, 2024
ER Work Underway
- ER 232 (FYI) Adding Custom Self-Service Questions - Defining requirements and analyzing possible solution designs with Data Services and App Services
- Campus Solutions OAAP ERs #178, 184,169, 183, 212, and 237 approved by Working Group.
Work is underway for Priority 1 (Residency & Citizenship) which includes some crossover
between ERs 169, 184, and 237.
- Met with ARC OAAP subgroup Jan. 8, 2024, to finalize citizenship and visa statuses. Further discussion is needed with vendor (Kastech) regarding visa question branching options based on specific citizenship status responses.
- ER 260 - Instruction Mode Configuration Modification from Data Governance Committee pending governance approval Jan. 17, 2024
- ER 166 CampusCE Search/Match Parameter - preparing for upcoming college UAT schedule for Jan. 30 – Feb. 13, 2024.
Enhancement Requests Currently in Testing
- ER 154 – FWL Future Effective Dated Hire Row
- ER 158 – FWL Employee Record Look Up
- ER 166 – CampusCE Search/Match Parameter
- ER 193 – Second Journal Set
- ER 197 – New Hire Onboarding Improvements
- ER 238 – OAAP Search Match
Prioritization Process Proposal Under Review
The ctcLink Operational Governance model currently lacks an inclusive prioritization mechanism for ctcLink Enhancements. This has led to a situation where competing priorities are prevalent, resulting in resource fatigue and unclear expectations for the ctcLink Production Support Group (PSG) teams responsible for implementing Enhancement Requests.
While Enhancement Requests generally target one specific area, they do have cross-pillar and cross-functional/technical impacts due to relational table structures, testing, and configuration within ctcLink, thus requiring all PSG teams to implement each Enhancement Request.
It is crucial to recognize the importance of having the colleges' voices at the table when shaping priorities for the ctcLink system. The established ctcLink College Collaboration Group (cCCG) has representation from each college and broad expertise across functional areas.
Authorizing the cCCG to recommend priorities for ctcLink Enhancement Requests is an essential step to a more collective, streamlined, and effective process.
ctcLink Prioritization Proposal Objectives
- Establish ctcLink Prioritization Process aligned with ctcLink Guiding Principles.
- cCCG and Production Support Group will commit to decision transparency:
- Easily accessible notes on priority decisions
- Colleges will have access to view prioritization queues
Supporting documentation
- ctcLink Prioritization Proposal
- ctcLink Prioritization Process
- Simplified Process Flow
- ctcLink Prioritization Proposal One-Pager
Highlights of the Proposal
- Give the ctcLink College Collaboration Group (cCCG) official standing in the ctcLink
operational governance structure:
- cCCG was established to ensure colleges have a voice in ctcLink decisions and to help prioritize requests for ctcLink systemwide changes.
- Each district president or chancellor has named a ctcLink College Leader (Point of Contact) for this important role in representing the system.
- cCCG consists of the primary ctcLink College Leaders approved by each college’s president/chancellor as well as college business analysts (or similar representatives).
- Each ctcLink College Leader is allocated one vote in the cCCG.
- All Enhancement Requests would go through cCCG for system prioritization.
- In Flight Queue = 3 per pillar area CS, FA, SF, HCM, FIN, ALL (security, portal, etc.)
- Next Up Queue = 5 per pillar area CS, FA, SF, HCM, FIN, ALL (security, portal, etc.)
- Future Work Queue = Unlimited - 1 to 10 ranked, all others in order of receipt
- Define guidelines and exceptions for the ctcLink Prioritization Process.
- Implement a brief “ER Freeze” to allow time to prioritize enhancements already submitted.
Timeline and Next Steps
The Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC), IT Commission, WACTC Technology Committee (WACTC-Tech), and ctcLink College Collaboration Group (cCCG) have previewed the concept during recent meetings. The cCCG will meet Jan. 24, 2024, to discuss further.
Feedback will be shared with STAC for consideration in the final recommendation to WACTC-Tech.
SPAM a Lot?
Sometimes legitimate email messages are labeled SPAM. If Mailman eList (listserv) messages are showing up in your mailbox or junk filter labeled [SPAM], you can fix the issue per list.
Basic How-To in Outlook
Right-click on the email marked SPAM while it’s in your in-box view. Select Junk from the drop-down menu. Options include “Never Block Sender” and/or “Never Block this Group or Mailing List.”
In Junk E-mail Options, you can also add eList addresses to your Safe Senders and/or Safe Recipients list.
Check your college or agency email support for specific, step-by-step instructions. Here are two common email applications:
PeopleTools Upgrade Underway
The PeopleTools 8.59.21 upgrade project is underway. The team is working on retrofits for Portal, Campus Solutions, Finance, Human Capital Management, and third-party tools Nelnet, CyberSource, and Clean Address.
What is PeopleTools?
PeopleTools provides the underlying technology to develop new applications or customize existing PeopleSoft applications. All PeopleSoft applications are built, deployed, and maintained using PeopleTools.
What is a PCD Refresh?
Testing directly in “Production,” the live ctcLink environment, can be dangerous. For this reason, multiple test environments are maintained for testing and development purposes.
ctcLink colleges have an exclusive test environment called Production College Development (PCD). On the first Monday of each month, the PCD test environment is refreshed to match the live ctcLink environment. This means any changes (or mistakes) made in PCD during the month are erased with each refresh.
All staff members have access to the PCD test environment, so you can go wild with testing in PCD, because the slate is wiped clean with each refresh! Users new to PCD can establish their PCD logins by following the "First Time User?" link.
Learn more at Testing in PCD and Production in the ctcLink Reference Center. Please contact your campus ctcLink security administrator if you cannot log in to the PCD test environment.
What can I do in the PCD?
Testing in PCD can include practicing established business processes, developing new business processes, testing security access, developing queries, or researching "What would happen if I did X?" questions. Because PCD is a test environment, any EmplID can be used for testing purposes, including those that belong to real students or staff.
When does the PCD refresh?
The next PCD refresh will be Monday, Feb. 5, 2024. Keep track of the 2024 PCD refresh dates at the Environment/Pillar Updates and Outages page.
Are You Receiving ctcLinkAlerts?
SBCTC uses the ctcLinkAlerts eList to send notices about planned downtime for system updates, production alerts, urgent issues, and any unplanned downtime.
Each college maintains a local ctcLinkAlerts email distribution list (e.g., ctclinkalerts@columbiabasin.edu, ctcLinkAlerts@spscc.edu) which your ctcLink College Leader maintains as needed.
These college lists, not individuals, are subscribed to ctcLinkAlerts@lists.ctc.edu.
It’s each college’s choice who to include, but typically colleges include their local ctcLink leadership, local ctcLink committee or taskforce members, key subject matter experts, IT, Help Desk, and PIO.
May the (WORK)Force be with You!
Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024, 1-3 p.m., Join Webex session
Join us for this refresher on coding students participating in Workforce programs: Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, Early Achievers Grant, and Apprenticeships and learn more about:
- How to apply and remove the coding, and appropriately manage your Plan/Stacks.
- What the coding does, and what it does not do, especially as related to funding.
- The QCS_CC_SBCTC_ATTR_GROUP query, the results, and how to use those results to make any needed data corrections.
For Worker Retraining, WorkFirst and Early Achievers, this work is an intersection between Workforce Staff, who identify the students eligible, and Records Staff, who reflect that eligibility by managing the Program/Plan Stack.
- Modules: Records & Enrollment
- Category: Special Populations, Student Program/Plan, Reporting
- Primary Audience: Workforce Office, Records & Enrollment Staff, Reporting Staff. For those colleges whose Workforce staff touch the Plan Stack directly, we strongly encourage you to attend and make sure you master the basics of Plan/Stack management.
- Presenter: Lou Sager, SBCTC Data Services
- College Panel: Willow Peppers, Peninsula; Nora Downard & Sandi Gallear, Olympic; and TBD*
- Related QRGs: Managing Student Attributes and Maintaining a Student’s Academic Program
Recently, the Washington state legislature increased investments into apprenticeship programs in the state of Washington. To meet the requirements that go along with that funding, as well as to better serve students and support colleges, SBCTC has spent the last year redesigning its approach to the coding and management of apprenticeship students. This redesign will not be complete when this session occurs. Our focus will be on coding needs as they are now (i.e. Student Attributes), but we’ll cover the basics of the new coding schema for colleges in transition.
*Still looking for a third college to join the party!
Based on college feedback, we are creating more spaces for sharing lived experience. Now, before you tell yourself you can’t because you’re still working things out – that’s fine! We just need folks willing to share what they are doing and how it’s going. If you’re up for it, please contact Michelle Kuwasaki.
Class Search Display in ctcLink and HCX (Mobile)
In 2021, the system adopted a full-year (four term) schedule for class search display. As a result, all four terms (Summer, Winter, Fall, Spring) display beginning on April 1 of each year. While an official determination for the Display FROM Date was established, no such determination was made for the Display TO Date.
The Term Values Table is populated 10 years in advance by CS Support. Because this is well before campuses finalize their instructional calendars, placeholder values are entered. Recently, colleges with later term end dates found their in-progress classes for that term stopped displaying prior to the end of the term.
To eliminate this issue, SBCTC established a new business practice. From now on, the placeholder values will be updated annually and will consider actual term end dates. When the Instructional Calendar is published, CS Core will use the latest “last day of term” to update the Display TO dates in the Term Values Table.
This change requires no college action. If a college changes the term-end date after submitting its Instructional Calendar, the college is responsible for alerting Data Services. We also encourage you to submit an FYI ticket to CS Core.
For details, see the 9.2 Class Schedule Display Quick Reference Guide in the ctcLink Reference Center.
Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP) Enhancement Requests
The following Enhancement Request (ERs) were approved by the ctcLink Working Group:
- ER 169 – OAAP Improvements from ARC
- ER 178 – OAAP Email to ctcLink
- ER 183 – OAAP Buttons, Supplemental Questions, and Suspense Updates
- ER 184 – OAAP Residency Updates
- ER 212 – OAAP Admin and Student Sections
- ER 237 – OAAP Citizenship
Work is currently underway for Priority 1 (Residency & Citizenship) which includes some crossover between ERs 169, 184, and 237. Campus Solutions staff met with the college OAAP Subcommittee to discuss citizenship values and question logic. The team met with the Admissions & Registration Council (ARC) OAAP Sub-Group on Jan. 8, 2024, and finalized citizenship/visa statuses.
CS Core Learning Opportunities
CS Core Training
Faculty Center Refresher: Using Faculty Center to Enter Grades
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024, 8:30 to 10 a.m.
Add "Faculty Center Refresher: Using Faculty Center to Enter Grades" to your calendar.
Not many faculty members are on the CS Support listserv, so please help us ensure they know about this opportunity. Please share this invitation with faculty on your campus.
Join us for this Faculty Center refresher to prepare for the end of the winter 2024 term. During this session, we will discuss the grading process and the separation of duties between Enrollment Services and Faculty. In addition, we will offer some helpful hints about grade rosters.
The PeopleSoft Faculty Center offers a central location for faculty members to:
- Manage class and student-related activities
- View their teaching schedule by term and access class and grade rosters
- Record student grades
- Access Faculty Center
- Grade Roster Availability
- Enter Student Grades/ Approve the Roster
- Helpful Hints
Contact Tanjagay Martin, ctcLink Functional Trainer, with questions.
CS Core Work Sessions
Campus Solutions (CS) Core Work Sessions, open to ALL end users, are held the first Thursday of each month, from 1 to 3 p.m. The CS Functional Support team facilitates, alternating between functional team delivered content and college user delivered content with functional team support. Each meeting includes time for colleges to ask questions about other topics or service tickets.
Find details on the SBCTC Calendar and in the CS Core Weeklyish COREspondence (sent on Fridays to the CSSupport listserv).
FIN Learning Opportunities
FIN Training
Finance Training on Subsidiary Accounts Cleanup (Accounting Team)
Thursday, Jan. 18, 10 a.m., Join session
A discussion of the Due To/Due From and Subsidiary Accounts. Should there still be subsidiaries in the GL? Please join the conversation to find out.
FIN Training: BFET Billing & Payment Process
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2 pm, Join session
Unsure how to create a BFET invoice or apply the payment, need a refresher of this part of the BFET process, or just curious how this part of the process works? This session will breakdown the Finance steps 4 & 5 of the BFET in ctcLink QRG and walk through the process of creating a manual BFET Bill, submit an OBIS invoice, and receive reimbursement in ctcLink Finance. Both Finance and SF folks are welcome to join in and gain perspective.
Accounts Receivable Reconciliation (Accounting Team)
Thursday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m., Join session
Join this weekly recurring ChartString clean-up working session in anticipation of implementation of the rule requiring entries be balanced by ChartString.
FIN Work Sessions
FIN/SF Work Session: Second Journal Set UAT *Session 2
Thursday, Jan. 18, 3 p.m., Join session
See description in SF News section.
FIN “Did You Know?” Work Session topic on Billing Workflow
Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2 p.m., Join session
FIN “Did You Know?” Work Session: Journal Import Write to File
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2 p.m., Join session
Monthly Student Finance/General Ledger Open Forum
Every second Wednesday, 2 to 3 p.m.
The ctcLink accounting team invites you to bring your questions (and solutions) to share during this open forum meeting space for all things Student Finance/General Ledger (SF/GL) related. There is no formal agenda as we welcome all questions about everything from item types and second journal sets to waivers, queries, or internal cash reconciliation.
See the SBCTC meetings and events calendar and look for ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting. The next ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting will be Feb. 14.
Finance (FIN) Meetings
Finance (FIN) meetings are held every Tuesday, from 2 to 3 p.m. The Finance Functional team provides updates on Service Tickets, PeopleSoft enhancements, and open forum time to ask questions or request future topics. This session is open to ALL Finance end users.
Aid Year Rollover (AYRO) Activities Quickly Approaching
Please review the email sent by the AYRO team on Dec. 1, 2023, which has all the pre-work needed before your scheduled AYRO sessions
All colleges are expected to complete AYRO Part 1 on their own. All the detailed documentation and “how to” is included in your meeting invite for AYRO. Should you have any questions while completing AYRO Part 1, please submit a ticket under ctcLink Support > Financial Aid > FA AYRO.
With FAFSA Simplification work, Image testing, and other priority tickets, response times may be slower. The goal is for each college to complete AYRO Part 1 before attending the AYRO Part 2 Work Session. Please be sure to submit tickets related to AYRO Part 1 no later than one week before your scheduled AYRO Part 2 Work Session.
Aid Year Rollover Financial Aid Support Sessions
The first session kicks off Jan. 23, 2024, with Centralia, Edmonds, Skagit Valley, and Green River colleges. All colleges' schedules are listed at the SBCTC Calendar.
Federal Financial Aid Simplification Update
As soon as the SBCTC ctcLink support teams receive the federal regulation updates (Oracle’s current target date Jan. 31, 2024), they will work hard to implement, test, and vet the code in ctcLink to be ready within 30 days of receiving the new configuration.
NASFAA in the News
‘Bumpy’ FAFSA Rollout Leads to Frustration For College Applicants (The Hill)
FA Learning Opportunities
Financial Aid (FA) Work Sessions
Financial Aid (FA) Work Session meetings are on the fourth Thursdays, from 1 to 3 p.m. The FA Functional Support team facilitates alternating between functional team delivered content and college user delivered content with the support of the FA functional team. The end of each meeting is open for colleges to ask questions about the topic presented. These sessions are open to ALL end users.
Intermediate Loan Processing - Loan Troubleshooting
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024, 9 to 11 a.m.
Join Webex | Meeting number (access code): 2661 966 6528 | Password: 2024FATrainings
By popular request, we’ve added this learning opportunity for staff responsible for awarding/managing the Direct Loan program.
Understand how to work varying examples from the following reports:
- Loans on Hold Report
- Origination Hold
- Origination Changes Hold
- Rejected Originations Report
- Disbursement Errors Report
Understand which ctcLink pages to navigate and how to read and update them when troubleshooting loan reject and loans on hold messages:
- View Loan Processing Actions page
- View COD Data page
- Hold/Suspend Change Data page
- Override Loan Data page
- Override Processing Status page
Questions? Contact Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer, Financial Aid.
Intermediate Pell Processing - Pell Troubleshooting
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, 9 to 11 a.m.
Join Webex | Meeting number (access code): 2661 966 6528 | Password: 2024FATrainings
By popular request, we’ve added this learning opportunity for staff responsible for managing Pell payment are encouraged to attend.
Understand how to read and work examples in the Pell Reports:
- Pell Records by Transaction Status
- Pell Records by Status
- Pell Origination Validation Report
- Pell Disbursement Validation Report
- Pell Disbursement Status Report
Understand how to perform Pell troubleshooting using various pages in ctcLink:
- View COD Data page
- Manage Pell Payment page
Questions? Contact Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer, Financial Aid.
Absence Management Adjustment Leave Type Code Enhancements
Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024 10 – 11 a.m., Join Session
SBCTC will implement enhancements to the Absence Management Adjustment Leave Type Codes in production pending the outcome of testing activities.
If you are interested in learning more about these changes, attend this Q&A session for an overview. Once the overview is complete users will have the opportunity to ask questions and log into ctcLink to review the changes.
The Q&A session is optional, however we encourage users who are affected by these changes to attend. Please feel free to forward this invite to other users who may be impacted by these changes as needed.
Please feel free to reach out to Dhilip Muthusamy or Brian Lanier if you have any questions or concerns about the new enhancements.
2023 W-2 Forms
Employee W-2 Forms for tax year 2023 have been produced. The electronic version is available now in HCM Employee Self-Service to all employees who consented to receive W-2 electronically.
For those who did not consent to receive W-2 electronically, a paper W-2 Form will be printed and mailed by the Washington State Printing Office on or before Jan. 31, 2024.
1098-T Statement Processing
1098-T printed statements have been sent to Washington State Printing Office for printing and mailing. They will be postmarked on or before Jan. 31, 2024. Keep these essential 1098-T dates in mind:
- Tuesday, March 12: training session for corrections
- Sunday, March 31, 2024: IRS Fire Account upload deadline
Second Journal Set (SJS) Enhancement UAT in Final Stretch
UAT testing is underway and will run through Jan. 18, 2024
Staff involved in SJS processing, grant budgets/reimbursement, and SF/Finance Management are strongly encouraged to participate in the UAT Kick-Off Testing Session 2 on Jan. 18 at 3 p.m. See details in SF News below. Please reach out to HCM Support if you have any questions.
HCM Learning Opportunities
HCM Work Session Meetings
Human Capital Management (HCM) meetings are held every other Wednesday, from 1 to 3 p.m. The HCM Functional team along with the training team offers Work Sessions and Training Sessions around the different functionality in HCM.
College & SF Team Ticket SMACKDOWN
- We are offering weekly two-hour meeting windows for colleges to collaborate on active tickets with our team.
- This designated time will focus on real-time ticket problem-solving to enhance knowledge and foster better understanding.
- Throw your hat in the ring and sign up/set up a time, just ask via sfsupport@sbctc.edu
SF Learning Opportunities
Stay informed by joining the Student Financials eList to receive reminders about training, session recordings, and other updates from the Student Financials team.
Second Journal Set (SJS) Updates User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
We are excited to invite users to participate in UAT for the SJS updates scheduled to move to production sometime in February 2024. The SJS process will transition to nightly automation, streamlining operations by eliminating manual intervention.
Staff involved with Second Journal Set processing, grant budgets and reimbursement, and SF/Finance Management are strongly encouraged to participate in UAT.
Before users can begin testing the new automation process, SJS item types with new/different activity fields must be set up in the CS pillar, see Updating Second Journal Set General Ledger. Testers should also double check chart strings against their grant budgets including project number and activity.
The old Second Journal Set process will cease as of Jan. 22, 2024. Colleges can begin receiving files as of Feb. 2, 2024 (pending SJS item type updates.)
Second Journal Set College UAT Sessions
UAT will be held Jan. 11 through Jan. 18. Colleges were asked to send a list of EMPLIDs of staff who plan to participate in testing by Jan. 8, 2024.
Configuration must be completed prior to the UAT sessions:
- SJS UAT Session 2: Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024 3-5 p.m. Join Session
Contact Caitlin Stein, Test Coordinator, with questions.
SF Training: Collections Fundamentals
Monday, Jan. 22, 2024, 8-10 am.
Student Financials Collections Processors are invited to learn about Collections basics including:
- Collections Guide
- Pre-Collections
- Processing Collections
- Post-Collections
- Collections Communications
Related QRG: SF Collections
Prerequisite Course: SF105 Collections
This session will be recorded and added to the SF105 Canvas course under the Additional Resources modules.
Reminder: to access training recordings, the specific Canvas course needs to be completed. Register for SBCTC Canvas Courses at the Accessing ctcLink Courses on Canvas page.
Contact Alec Risk, SBCTC Student Financials Functional Trainer.
SF Training: Mass Select Transactions
Monday, Feb. 26, 2024, 9-10 a.m., Join session
Student Financials module users are invited to join us to learn:
- What is Mass Select Transactions
- What can it be used for
- How to and tips for using Mass Select Transaction
- File Mapping
- Corrections and Reversals
Related QRG: Mass Select Transaction End-to-End Process
Prerequisite Course: SF101 Cashiering
This session will be recorded and added to the SF101 Cashiering Canvas Course under the Additional Resources modules. Please note: to access Training Recordings, the specific Canvas Course needs to be completed. You can register for SBCTC Canvas Courses through the Accessing ctcLink Courses on Canvas page.
Contact Alec Risk, SBCTC Student Financials Functional Trainer.
Student Financials (SF) Work Sessions
Student Financials (SF) support team is delivering a five-part work session covering the 1098T statement process. These monthly sessions started in October 2023 and will conclude in February 2024.
CampusCE Upgrade UAT Kickoff Session
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024 ,11 a.m. – 12 p.m., Join Session
Colleges are invited to get hands-on experience with the system changes by participating in the upcoming user acceptance testing (UAT) of the next CampusCE upgrade. During UAT, users will review the upcoming CampusCE changes and test functionality to confirm these changes are working as intended.
All CampusCE users are strongly encouraged to attend this kickoff session. To prepare for UAT, colleges are asked to send a list of EMPLIDs of staff who plan to participate in testing
College users participating in UAT should include users who already have an account within their CampusCE production environment.
ctcLink College Leaders (Points of Contact) have been requested to email their college’s list of EMPLIDs to Tami Whitney by Monday, Jan. 22, 2024, to ensure user access is set up before UAT begins.
The overview presentation portion of the session will be recorded and distributed so users can continue their testing post-session. UAT activities will end on Feb. 13, 2024.
ctcLink Security College Support
In addition to the Local Security Administration (LSA) monthly meeting activities, the ctcLink Security team:
- Continues masking in all pillars, adding SACR to QRGs, and testing Changes to Launchpad in CS to copy SACR Settings
- Drafting a Security Audit Checklist for the institutions
- Continues to revise Local Security Administrator Training in Canvas
- Continuing to load data for colleges implementing multi-factor authentication for students.
SASI College Advisory Group Meeting
The Security Administration System Improvement (SASI) College Advisory Group is about halfway through a business process gap review to identify roadblocks or issues in the process that need to be addressed. The group started working on security onboarding processes in December, has completed the Security Administration requirements definition, and will transition its efforts to employee transfers and offboarding business process reviews.
See the Security Administration System Improvement [SASI] Project Information Guide for more information.
You’re invited: ctcLink Accessibility Monthly Open Forum
SBCTC hosts monthly forums to engage Washington's community and technical college system in discussions around ctcLink accessibility and technology. We aim to improve communication and transparency while providing space for productive and solution-focused dialog. Our main objective is to deliver accessible technology for all our students, staff, and the larger community.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, 11 a.m. to noon.
The next ctcLink Accessibility Open Forum will be Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, at 11 a.m. All are welcome to attend via Zoom.
In case you missed a meeting, materials from past Open Forums,